Thursday, June 24, 2010


The teacher had a routine for the 6 days, as the students walked in the teacher would greet her students, as well as ask the ones who were wearing sweaters to place them in a table she had against the wall. While they were coming in she would check them off and as soon as it was time or saw everyone was ready she would send a student with the attendance to the office. There was not much routine in bathroom breaks she would openly allow her students to go at least once per day, which they all wanted to go everyday. As she would lecture, and needed to pass out worksheets she would do once she needed them. But at the beginning of her class she started off with a, what they called a pre-test, in which they would quiz on what they had learned the previous day. There were no rules for display for students to see being that it was summer her classroom was pretty much packed up. But again she had a rule about having their sweaters off during class; I guess she thought it was a distraction if they did. Pretty much their rule was not to miss any more than 2 days of summer because even with the 2 absences they were risking of being dropped from the summer school program. The teacher had a very well classroom management; she had no trouble with her students. For the exception of one student that was always throwing comments here and there that had nothing to do with her lecture. The teacher would ignore it; it would not escalate to any worse. Although I do remember that the students were unmotivated and not participating, and the teacher was quite frustrated, and so she snapped and she threw her marker to the floor, and said, "I give up on you guys, I don't know what to do anymore, you guys are not even trying." And then she got herself together and continued with her lesson. It definitely woke her students up so they got more involved and were doing a little better.

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