Thursday, June 24, 2010


Mrs. Salinas seems to be pretty much in control of her classroom; students respect her and do not interrupt her while she is lecturing. You can tell she gets upset, when her students are not showing much improvement; they are lacking the most basic skills of math adding, multiplying and so on. Once again there no behavior problems in her class students are quiet and listening to the teacher although they are not really paying attention nor participating. There is one student that loves the attention, and has something to say for the slightest subject. He's always trying to answer, even though he's wrong all the time, he is very hyperactive he's always getting up for his sweater, sharpening his pencil, and trying to go to the restroom every day. You can really see all the students' personality they range from the quietest to the more talkative. As an observer there really are no challenges but I did notice Mrs. Salinas getting frustrated when the students had no idea how to solve anything. Although there were some moments that it just felt like wow, she's finally getting through to them. No matter how annoying this student was he's the one that stood out the most so I won't forget about him. Every once in a while the teacher would notice that her lecture, well was not very entertaining therefore she would joke around with her students. In fact there was a time when one of her students told her she had the hiccups and what the teacher did was slap ber book at her desk attempting to scare her. All eyes were on her, saying miss you scared me, and she asked her student, "Do you have the hiccups?" And her student smiling responded, "no." But after that all her students seemed more awake than they were.

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